While we’re all sheltering in place, there are some basic necessities we just shouldn’t go without... plus a few items that are nice to have on hand to make the lockdown experience a smooth (and even pleasant!) one.
We can be assured that the supply chain for grocery stores isn’t going to screech to a grinding halt, as suppliers have amped up their operations in response to increased demand. Having said that, hoarding and panic buying can cause problems in getting some of the basics we need. We can all do our bit by responsibly stocking up on essentials without adding to the problem, and depriving others like the elderly of basics they are in need of. Risk communications experts have recommended buying enough non-perishable food to last your household through a few weeks of social distancing at home, but not enough to ride out the apocalypse. You should plan accordingly for a few interruptions and inconveniences, but none of us need to worry about a famine.
Doing Our Part
Putting a bit of planning into your weeks ahead will make a world of difference to flattening the curve, and helping the COVID-19 pandemic stabilize and be over sooner rather than later.
Some steps you can take to contribute in slowing the spread, and also making sure you’re well prepared in case you do get sick and can’t leave the house for a couple of weeks include:
- Buy a responsible amount of necessities. If we all bought just as much as we need, there wouldn’t be any shortages in the grocery store. Hoarding is unnecessary and prevents others from being able to get their hands on basic necessities. Be considerate and respectful of others while preparing your own home.
- Shelter in place: Don’t go out unless you absolutely have to. When you do go out, take the necessary precautions to avoid bringing Coronavirus home with you on your groceries.
- Minimize your supply runs: Limiting how many times you visit the grocery store not only protects yourself and reduces your possible interactions for exposure, but also helps ensure the health of other shoppers who might have compromised immune systems. Recent findings suggest there are even cases of people who can carry the virus and be contagious, without showing any symptoms. So even if you’re feeling fine, do your part to prevent exposing people with compromised immune systems by minimizing your social interactions.
- Keep your distance: We know that Coronavirus is transmitted via the respiratory tract, so avoid coming within 6 feet of others where contagious respiratory droplets are spread in the air. When you do go out, wear a mask and sanitize your hands regularly (get your hand sanitizer here!)
- Transform your lockdown into a pleasant experience: Stock up on things that will make you feel comfortable and happy while you’re at home. We all complain about not having enough vacation time to spend relaxing or with our families, so here’s the perfect opportunity! Online order some crafting supplies, materials for your DIY projects or interesting ingredients to try out a new recipe. You’ll have gained so much time you usually spend commuting to and from work and on your lunch break, so put it to good use with a new hobby or project you’ve been meaning to do for ever!
Stock Up Thoughtfully On Provisions
If you can manage to grab some key items to weather these times of social distancing, with possible local supply shortages (and potentially becoming unwell), you’ll be in a good position to ride out the storm, and even find some enjoyment amidst the restrictions.
Here’s what you should be stocked up on in your house, if you haven’t already:
Cleaning Supplies
- Hand Sanitizer for quick hand cleaning during supply runs. (We have you covered… Grab yours here.)
- Hand Soap.
- Dish Soap.
- Disinfectant cleaning sprays and wipes.
- Cleaning cloths and extra dish towels for if you’re running low on paper towels.
- Additional hand towels so you can launder them more frequently with all the extra hand washing.
- Disposable gloves for Coronavirus-related cleaning.
Consumable Items
- Shelf-stable and non-perishable food, to get you through in case your basics are out of stock at your local store, or if there are unexpected store closures or long lines.
- First Aid Kit to deal with minor injuries yourself- you won’t want to go to the potentially over-run emergency room unless you absolutely have to. Be sure to have plenty of over-the-counter meds, bandages, cold packs and antiseptic wipes, along with rehydration fluids. That way you can treat things like food poisoning, stomach flu or minor cuts at home. Of course, if you have a major emergency, signs of infection that require treatment with antibiotics or suspect you may have contracted COVID-19, seek professional help without delay.
- Prescription medications- try and stock up with a couple of months’ supply if your doctor will allow it.
- Snacks and comfort foods to keep your morale high. While you don’t want to switch to a chocolate diet (we haven’t forgotten that swimsuit season will be coming up right after lockdown season)... Keep some delicious snacks you really enjoy eating on hand. Having a break for a tasty snack can make long periods of restricted movement during lockdown more bearable, and provide a welcome punctuation during your day you would usually have at work for a coffee or lunch break.
Before your next trip to the store or online shopping expedition, have a think about what you need to make the next few weeks of your sheltering in place a comfortable and enjoyable one. We’ve got a great chance for some self-reflection, personal development, online education and new hobbies. So let’s see the silver lining of this Coronavirus lockdown cloud, and make this time a net positive for our souls and spirits.
Stay happy and healthy,
~Keneesha and the Urbanbella Team.