Here you will find links to product brochures for our Signature Series Collections. Each season is listed below for easy navigation. Let our team know if we can be of further assistance in helping you use your Urbanbella Products.
If you would like to receive these products for use in your hair care routine they are available for subscription here on our Urbanbella website. Please note some names have slightly changed over time for clarity.
The Guides:
Cocoa Creme de Menthe Creamy Cleanser
Babassu Conditioner
Babassu Moisturizer
- 5 Vitamin Treatment Mask
- 5 Vitamin Scalp Treatment
- 5 Vitamin Hair Gel
- Rosemary Mint Cleanser
- Keratin + Babassu Cleanser
- Keratin + Babassu Leave-In Treatment
- Keratin + Babassu Hair Gel
- Keratin + Babassu Hair Lotion
- Baobab Creamy Cleanser
- Baobab Silky Conditioner
- Baobab Hair Moisturizing Cream
- Babassu + Baobab Hair Butter
- Baobab Medium Hold Gel (Not in Brochure)
- Fall Super-Soft Hold Gel (Not in Brochure)
- Curl Elongation Souffle
- Curl Moisturizing Balm
- Bakuchi Scalp Oil
- Keratin Hair Mask (with Babassu + Coconut Oil)
- Bamboo + Rice Treatment
- Bamboo + Rice Balm
- Bamboo + Rice Mousse
- Diamond Hold Gel
- 5 Vitamin Lathering Cleanser
- 5 Vitamin Moisturizing Cream
- Curcubita Hair Gel
- Curl Grip Cream
- Tea Tree Scalp Serum
- HydraBoost Conditioner
- HydraBoost Serum
- HydraBoost Gel
- HydraBoost Lotion
- 5 Vitamin Minty Cream Cleanser
- Bamboo + Rice Hair Gel