Everybody wants the secret to having beautiful, natural hair. Well, we are here to tell you that we have found it! It’s quite simple. Consistency. No matter how many products you try and buy. No matter how many protective styles you get. No matter how many new haircuts you get, what really wins, in the end, is consistency. You must be consistent with three things. Take a look below to see what we mean.
- Consistency with Products. Set a baseline. By that, we mean to set the
right product standards and know what to expect. As women of color, we have been forced into so many products made for women with textures entirely different from ours. We have used those products for so long we don’t really know how good it can be for our hair when we have a premium product design for our kinks and curls. So first you to have reset your expectations of products and here is how. Try an inexpensive product line for 3 months. Stay exclusive to that collection meaning cleansing, conditioning, styling everything. See how your hair feels. Next, try a luxury line for 3 months and compare the difference. Decide what is the best route for you. For most naturals, they never get a chance to understand how their hair works with $3 product versus a $19 product because they are mixing them all at once. Give your hair a chance to show you the differences between the varying levels of quality across product lines. Most of the time when we meet a client they are trying 3 or 4 different products based on what they saw on a video. They think their hair is moisturized when it really only feels good when applying the conditioner. Once they rinse the product off, their hair is back to feeling and looking dry. Because of past experiences, they think this is normal or the best it can get. But once they try a higher quality product line, one with more oil and moisture they begin to realize that it can get better like hair the still feels truly soft after the conditioner has been rinsed away. You will begin to see that hairstyles can last longer than 1 to 3 days and moisture can last longer than one afternoon. During this period, skip the DIY products. You can incorporate them later if you like but take this #mybestnaturalhairchallenge and put the DIY concoctions to the side.
Consistency with Cleansing, Conditioning, and Steaming.
We can’t emphasize this enough and we are just going to be honest. Most naturals ( and we know A LOT of you all) are not washing, conditioning and steaming your hair enough. Your hair is dry because of a lack of conditioning and cleansing. Because this is when you are truly hydrating your hair with water and it’s just not happening enough. The curls don’t last because of a lack of consist and frequent conditioning and cleansing. We know this because we transform every last one of our clients from dry curls that could not hold a nice style to Wash-N-Go die-hards who love their hair. Our 14 years of experience in natural hair has taught us that this is the most neglected part of being natural. After you get your product game up and see for yourself what great products will do for your beautiful hair, next you will need to add conditioning and steaming to your routine. You want to steam your hair every week. This may sound like a lot but take it from our weekly Urbanbella clients who will tell you that they have a different head of hair when they don’t steam. The styles puff up faster at the roots when they don’t steam and it is not as shiny as the style wears on. With steaming a style still looks great on day 7 as it did on day 2 and 3. We know professionally that we use less product on each style over time on clients who wash and steam on a weekly basis. Even just washing and deep conditioning weekly make a world of difference in how the hair behaves and handles. We recommend all of our clients invest in a steamer for home use and if you are saving up for a steamer use a heat cap in the meantime.
- Consistency with getting your ends trimmed. Getting your ends trimmed a few times a year is a key to hydrated and beautiful hair. If you stick to a schedule with trimming and take note of your ends, you will trim off less. Trims that go too long mean cutting off more hair later. By staying on top of trimming, your split ends don’t increase. The first thing you will notice is how quickly you are able to detangle your hair. Less snagging and pulling will help the hair grow longer and faster not to mention thicker and prettier. We recommending planning trims each time the season changes. Be sure to check your ends before trimming. Hair that is well taken care of with consistent cleansing and conditioning and using quality products does not have to be trimmed as often.
We challenge you to try each of these things. We guarantee that you will get better results with your hair and at the least learn more about what your hair needs. Keep us updated on your results by commenting below or if you need guidance from Urbanbella to start your own personal Best Natural Hair Challenge let us know!